YouTuber Explains Why He Shit On Nancy Pelosi's Driveway
Not that someone needs an excuse to shit on a politicians' driveways in this hell-scape of a year, but one homeless YouTuber did both anyway...
Of course, I’m talking about the guy who live-streamed himself taking a shit on Nancy Pelosi’s driveway (pictured above)
Aramando, or Mando, is a man who has been living homeless in San Francisco for 6 years, and he’s also a YouTube sketch artist. One of the things about the Coronavirus lockdown… it sucks for homeless people who use business restrooms on a daily basis as to not shit in the street..
“I’d been hunting for a toilet all week, and the joke came up in the comments on one of my streams that ‘Hey, you should take a crap at Pelosi’s house,'” Mando told The New York Post.
The 28 year-old Mando has apologized to Speaker Pelosi on Twitter for his “peaceful protest”, saying he’s ashamed and holds no ill-will toward her, but added - “We need more access to bathrooms, we need more access to resources out here.” You've made that pretty clear, Mando.
Hear more stories about people shitting on things, and politicians shitting on the public on Hard Factor News (iTunes/Spotify) and Hard Factor Radio, 10-11 AM ET, Monday-Thursday Barstool Radio Power 85 on Sirius XM.
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